Throwing down the gauntlet

In response to “You’re Never Getting Your Minilogue Back”: Dearest Ethan, Sir, I accept your challenge. While you’ve basked in the analog glow of voltage controlled oscillators, I’ve increased my power as well. You dual wield two synths of incredible girth, and I’ve sought to increase my level control beyond your imagining. For you see,… Continue reading Throwing down the gauntlet

You’re Not Getting Your Minilogue Back

Dear Stephen,I regret to inform you that you will not be getting your Minilogue XD back. Those dreamy, drifting VCOs have ruined me. Also, I am now dual-wielding Peak and XD, and have become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. My midi controller plays them both simultaneously as two layers. 12 stacked voices on… Continue reading You’re Not Getting Your Minilogue Back

Pulling timing info from Audio to MIDI

Can I pull MIDI timing from an audio recording?

Stephen: Rough AI transcription: Hey, man, I just had this idea and I figured reason might have this capability. So I kept getting it one of the challenges. I’m having with music production. I like you’ve heard in the pieces. I write on a piano that I tend to kind of change the tempo throughout… Continue reading Pulling timing info from Audio to MIDI