Got some stuff I’m working on for an audio or video demo around creative ways of using tempo-synced LFOs. This is a wee draft placeholder, but wanted to share this brilliant use of synced LFOs by Rival Consoles. Right from 0:05, listen to how they rapidly adjust the rate of the LFOs. Each rate they land on is a tempo-synced division (1/16, 1/4 Triplets, etc). The shape of the LFO wave is a downward ramp ⌁, and we wind up hearing it as a plucky envelope: sharp attack, medium decay. To my ear, the LFO is modulating the filter frequency of the played chords and notes. Also listen to all the expressive modulation of the synth’s volume (manually modulated, I’d bet, not modulated by LFOs). Listen to the way a rhythmic LFO combined with a slowly dropping volume creates a faux delay effect.